- Ken dug up some of the mums in the bed behind the house. I split them into six plants and planted them in the large bed. I found a tag buried next to one of them. It identified the mum as being Prophets by Yoder "Beth." It has a purplish-pink flower and blooms in late summer/fall. I have had this plant for many years and it always comes back. I may have purchased it at Home Depot as a $1.97 special.
- I also transplanted the three Alberta mums (see picture in the March 13 post) in the large bed. I placed the gazing ball post (I need to buy a new ball) and placed the mums around the base.
- Ken bought a Asao clematis and planted it on the other side of the trellis. This clematis is described as having rosy pink flowers. I looked it up on Plant Files and other growers loved the how profusely it flowered. It should look great with the deep purplish-blue flowers of the Jackmanii clematis.
- I bought a new bird feeder so now the birds have two to eat from. In addition, I purchased fresh oil sunflower seeds. I decided not to put out thistle (black niger) right now because the finches haven't been eating it.
- We bought a new bird bath and a new basin for the other bird bath. We placed the new one in the butterfly bush/rose bed where I dug out the middle carpet rose. The birds were using this bird bath minutes after it was filled with fresh water. (I saw a woodpecker, nuthatches, chickadees, gold finches, house finches and a variety of other birds within a short period of time yesterday.)
- Ken planted a second Gold Coast Juniper in the back under the forsythia. Now the one that he had transplanted from the front yard shouldn't look out of place.
- We put cedar chips around the hostas in both hosta beds in the back yard. I can't wait until they fully leaf out. The contrast between the green coloration and the golden color of the mulch should be spectacular. It already looks nice even though the hostas have only begun to emerge.

There still are tons of jobs to do but I am very pleased with our progress.
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