Today, I decided to shoot some pictures of the back yard. These pictures will help me to remember what is going on in the garden this year. For example, in the photograph of the left-side small bed (above), the bulbs that I planted several years ago (Fall, 2006) are up. However, only a few of the crocuses came up and bloomed. Also, only five of the Tete-a-Tete daffodils have flowered. I'm not sure what will happen with the other minature daffodil bulbs. Last spring, I didn't get much bloom either.
I started to clean up the right-handed small bed (above) but haven't finished the job yet. Ken cut back the grass that is in the center of the bed and it is showing new growth. Also, the daylilies, irises and salvia are up. The coreopsis is starting to green up but is not as thick as it should be. I hope that that is because it needs more time. If it doesn't do as well as it has in past years, I'll dig it up and replant it. I planted violas in the oval container but I noticed that it has some holes and cracks in it. I shouldn't be surprised because I have had it for a long time. I placed three empty pots that I found in neighbors' trash last fall in the area where the Obedient Plant was taking over. Even though I placed bricks in the bottom of the pots, a squirrel knocked two of them over. I'll plant something in them soon. Two of the delphiniums have come back so far but I'm not sure about the other four that I planted in this bed last spring. Next time that I am at English Gardens, I'll look to see if they have any. (Currently, they have small perennials on sale for $1.99.)

The daylilies in the left-end of the large bed are doing well. I still want to dig out one of them (Stella d'Oro or Happy Returns) but I decided to wait for now. The coral bells are still looking ragged but they have new growth on them. The columbines that came from seeds that I direct sowed are also coming up. I want to keep sowing the seeds each year so that the columbines beautiful blue flowers have a greater impact in late spring. I also put some more large rocks and the plant stand that Ken bought me in Paw Paw in this area. The shelves of the stand will only hold small pots so I told Ken that I want to try growing a vine up and around it.
I planted two pots of violas and placed them behind the "bird" statue found in the center of the large bed (above). The large coral bell plant is beginning to rejuvenate. Ken has cut back the grasses but they need dividing. I'll transplant the divisions in the same area but will enrich the soil with compost.
The right end of the large bed has been weeded.
sow the earth!