Late yesterday afternoon (after 6:00 p.m.) it snowed. The flakes were really big and they came down fast & furious. Even though the snow was still on the ground this morning, it is all melted now.
The crocuses are in bloom. I'm starting to see a variety of colors--yellow, deep purple and lavender. The snow didn't seem to cause any harm at all.
Last Friday, I planted Basil seeds. This morning when I was checking to see if they needed watering, I noticed that the seeds are already germinating. The pepper seeds that I planted haven't shown any growth yet.
The pansies are doing really well. I think that I will soon put them in the sunroom to harden off. If the weather doesn't turn bad, I would like to plant them outside in pots in the middle of April. I only have 27 of them so I'll have to decide where I want them to go. I think that I should have enough for the three large pots out front and four hanging baskets in the back.
Ken cut down the grass plants in the back yard on Thursday and then did the ones in the front yesterday. It looks so different without them but I already can see the new green shoots sprouting. I was thinking of dividing the ones out back. They are huge and I think that the new divisions would be more vigorous. Also, it would give me an opportunity to put compost in their planting holes.
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