Ken and I have been trying to create a "green" environment around our home both inside and out. We don't use insecticides or herbicides and use organic fertilizers. Ken is really into creating compost. In the far corner of the backyard he has several compost bins. One of them he purchased over the internet (seven years ago?). It is a recycled pickle barrel that is mounted on a wooden stand. He is able to take the top off to put in leaves/grass (or to take the compost out) and is able to swing the barrel around so that the materials mix. It is made of heavy duty black plastic so it becomes hot inside quickly. In the summer, he is able to create compost in two to three weeks. When he removes the compost, he places it in a second compost bin to store it. This bin is a piece of circular green plastic with large holes. Ken can take it apart when it is filled and use the compost where it is needed in the garden.

Last fall we decided to start composting our kitchen scraps. We have lots of critters in our yard including squirrels, chipmunks, woodchucks, etc. We didn't want to attract unwanted pests so we decided not to put the kitchen waste in the outdoor compost bins. Instead, Ken decided to buy a worm composter. We keep it in the basement and the worms have already produced several large pots of castings. We are able to put coffee grounds & filters, tea bags, and vegetable scraps in it. We keep a covered container in the refrigerator and when it is full Ken transfers the material to the worm composter.
This spring we are going to purchase a rain barrel system. Last year when we went on the Livonia Garden Walk we saw a very attractively painted rain barrel system set up at one of the houses. After doing some research, we decided that rain barrels would be an environmentally-friendly way to help meet our watering needs. We decided to start by purchasing one system this year but we haven't done so yet. We are getting a new roof this spring so I prefer to wait until that is done before ordering and setting up the rain barrel.
I also believe in reusing materials. For example, when I take my walks on Sunday evenings (Monday mornings the garbage trucks come around) I always keep my eyes out for items that people put on the curb especially flower pots. I have discovered that many people prefer to throw out nice pots in the fall instead of saving them for the next year. The last couple of years, I have built up a collection of large pots. I prefer terra cotta, beige tones, and green colors. Containers are expensive and I feel good knowing that I am not only saving money but reusing items that would end up in a landfill.
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