"Before" picture of the side yard bed (March 14, 2009)
I am looking forward to cleaning up and planting the brick bed that Ken created at the side of the front yard two years ago. It is very long and narrow so it is easy to maintain. Right now it has three tall grasses, two dwarf grasses, two dwarf shrubs, and two large pots in it. I had various types of grape hyacinths planted in it but after they bloomed last spring, I pulled them out. Even though the flowers were pretty (shades of dark, medium and light blue), they looked too messy in this bed. Of course since I don't want them there, I see that quite a few returned! I'm going to dig them out and hope that they don't pop up again.
Ken will clip the grasses back for me when it gets slightly warmer. The ones that are growing at each end of the bed are called Porcupine grasses. The tag that came with them describes them as "tight, upright growing grasses featuring stiff, leaves resembling porcupine quills. The foliage has yellow horizontal stripes and a coppery fall color". The ones that I have are about 5 feet tall.
I also plan on planting some of the pansies (Antique Shades) that I am currently growing in the pots. Last year, the pots contained pansies in the spring and pink geraniums in the summer. I don't know what I'll plant in them this summer though.
The shrubs (Sungold Threadbranch Cypress) made it through the winter which isn't a surprise since they are hardy to -30 degrees. I'm not sure how the dwarf grasses are doing because they die back every winter. However, I've had them planted in various beds for at least five years and they always return. They seem to like where they are now.
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