Saturday, May 8, 2010

The weather has gone from being hot (in the 80s) and sunny to being cold and rainy. Yesterday, it rained like crazy and the temperature was in the 50s. Right now there are black clouds and the wind is gusting. Not only that, but the temperature tonight will be in the 30s. YIKES! Ken planted sunflower seeds the other day so I hope that they make it through this cold spell.

Ken also finished one of the raised brick beds. It looks great. Wednesday, I planted onions, radishes and a red lettuce mixture in it. I left the middle section open so that I have space for the bush beans.

I took this picture of the coral belles over a week ago. Those small buds are now full fledged flowers. The columbines and the bleeding heart are also in bloom. The irises are sending up buds and should be open soon.

On Wednesday, Ken noticed that four of the asparagus roots had sent up stems. If the weather clears up by Sunday, he will take some more of the worm compost and mix it with the soil from the bed. He'll use it to mound around the stems. The russet and red potatoes are also sprouting so he'll have to add more soil to their pots too very soon.

I thinned out the carrots last week. In addition, I should be able to start picking the mesclun mix and some of the radishes. I look forward to making roll-ups for lunch. Not only are they tasty, but they are easy to make. Just spread some vegetable cream cheese on flat bread, put thinly sliced radishes on top, cover with lettuce and then roll. Nothing tastes better than fresh produce from the garden especially in the spring.

The tomato seedlings are growing like crazy. On Monday, I need to repot them. Currently, there are 28 seed pellets but I think that I will only repot about half that many. I'm still trying to decide exactly how many of each variety I will plant in the garden. Any extras that I have will be given away. The jalapeno peppers are just starting to sprout.

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