The tomatoes that I have been growing under lights are doing great. All of the seeds have germinated and the plants have their first true leaves. I'll have to lower the shelf this week because the plants are almost touching the light bulbs. The pepper plants haven't germinated yet.
Many of the early blooming perennials are beginning to set bloom and even flower. The coral belles are sending up stalks of flowers and a few are beginning to open. The bleeding heart also has flowers on it. The columbines have doubled in size this week and are covered with buds. They'll probably have flowers on them by the end of the week.
Most of the bulbs have finished blooming. There still are a few daffodils left in the back yard but they are definitely at the end of their cycle. The yellow tulips are still in bloom in the front yard but I noticed this morning that the rain storm has knocked the heads off of some of them.
I went to Lowe's last Sunday to buy some more violas but they were out of the six packs that I had purchased at the beginning of the month. I planted the purple and yellow pansies in four hanging pots and six planters but I have not planted the orange ones yet. I'm waiting for the cherry tree in front to finish blooming because I don't want clashing colors.
I also went to Panettas on Thursday to buy onion sets. Ken has finished one of the raised beds and as soon as he fills it with soil, I will plant the onions. I'll place them around the edges and then put green beans in the center when the weather warms up. I will plant the sets close so that we can pull up some to use as scallions and let others mature to full size.
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