The weather has been very unpredictable lately. Last Saturday it steadily rained until about four o'clock in the afternoon and then cleared up. We really needed the rain so I didn't mind being cooped up inside. On Sunday, it was hot and humid until eight o'clock in the evening. Then we had a terrible storm with extremely high winds and torrential rains. Our power went out and that rarely happens since we have underground cables. Fortunately, it came back on after a few hours. Yesterday and today are pleasant--sunny and in the low 80s.
Most of the perennials are in transition. Either they have finished blooming or they have not yet begun to do so. There are a few Happy Returns daylillies that are beginning to rebloom but the rest of the daylillies are done. On the otherhand, some of the mums are beginning to show color and the two Autumn Joy sedums have huge unopened flowers. In addition, the perennial salvias that I cut back are reflowering and the two that I cut to the ground are beginning to add new foliage.
Rejuvenation of Perennial Salvia
The annuals that looked so puny a few months ago are now in their glory. The Blue Victoria salvias are doing great this year. They have grown tall and thick with beautiful blue flower spikes. The pink begonias are also covered with flowers.
Blue Victoria Salvias
Pink Begonias
The vegetable garden is now producing a ton of tomatoes and zucchinis. Ken made a large batch of salsa Tuesday evening. He used 4th of July tomatoes, Serrano peppers, cherry bomb peppers, onions and parsley. I'm making taco salad with zucchini, parsley, basil and a variety of tomatoes tonight. There are only a few onions left and all of the carrots are gone. I plan on planting more radishes and lettuce when the weather cools off. On the other hand, I should be able to pick green beans this weekend and Ken is planning on harvesting the other container of potatoes.
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