Actually, it's almost the end of September! I have been so busy during the last four weeks that I haven't had the opportunity to write in this blog. However, a lot of things have been going on in the garden.
The perennial and annual flowering plants are going through their transitions. Some are going strong and others are dying back. Many of the mums are in bloom but even the ones that have not flowered are covered with buds. The two daylillies that I cut back after they bloomed in the summer now have beautiful new healthy foliage. One of them actually rebloomed. Next year, I think that I will do this with all of the daylillies after they flower. That way I won't have to look at their yellowing leaves which really takes away from the vista. Also, the Marguerite daisies have rebloomed after being cut back to the ground. Furthermore, they are now compact and bushy instead of being tall and lanky. Next spring, I will definitely pinch them back before they get too big. There are violas and Purple Wave petunias growing in some of the green pots that contain the Salmon Flambe petunias. That was a surprise! The Autumn Joy sedums are in full bloom and even though they have such heavy flower heads, they are still standing upright instead of sprawling all over the ground.

The hummingbirds have been going crazy feeding in the garden especially at the hanging pots. However, this week most of the hanging pots are looking dismal. Some of it is my fault. I haven't been watering them as much as I should and there hasn't been a lot of rain during the last two weeks. On the other hand, it has been chilly (and on some evenings down right cold) at night. I would like to replace the current flowers in the pots with violas if I have a chance.
Last Saturday, Ken and I pulled out the zucchini plants and most of the tomato plants. Several weeks ago I planted more radishes, carrots and red leaf lettuce. When I was thinning these crops on Saturday, I used the red leaf lettuce as microgreens in a dish. I want to plant more radishes and lettuce this week. I'm being optimistic that the weather won't turn too cold in the next four weeks.

Sun Gold Tomatoes on September 2